*This is the sequel to Ruined by Amy Tintera (review here). Initial Thoughts: I loved book one, Ruined, so I went into this one with high expectations and left with mixed feelings. I’m just…
I’ve had an interesting shift in my reading since I started blogging. Originally, I started my blog because I loved reading and wanted a place to discuss books – I didn’t have very many…
*Content Warning: My initial thought about this book after reading the synopsis was oh great, another book about girl-on-girl hate, just what we need but I was hopeful that it had a good outcome or…
As you now know from my monthly wrap up yesterday, I went to LATFOB and Yallwest. There, I got a ton of new books to read! I haven’t read anything in a while, but…
I haven’t done a book tag in a little while, I thought I was due. Also, I loved this one because I really enjoy makeup and it’s nice to mesh together different interests! I’m…
On an impulsive urge to declutter, I completely purged my Goodreads account. Not just purged it, I created an entirely new one. My old GR account was stupid. I had too many books added…
This is BOOK 2 of a duology. Read the review for the first book here. This review is spoiler-free/any spoilers are hidden. Going into reading this book, I didn’t remember a lot. I didn’t…
Disclaimer: I am not bashing on big authors or publishers at all. I love so many popular books out there and I’ve got the chance to meet several of the authors and they’re lovely…
Sometimes programs and app updates are created and they just make my life easier. Especially when it comes to juggling life with blogging/reading. Sometimes it’s a smaller feature of something we already use regularly…