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  • 4 Blog Hacks That Make My Life Easier

    Sometimes you gotta cheat the system. By the system I mean your blog. You know, find loopholes or hacks to save you time and benefit you in the long run? Sometimes doing everything the long…

  • It’s Okay To Take A Break From Blogging

    It’s okay to not be 100% in 100% of the time.  I know that goes against what our parents always tell us, you know the old “as long as you put in your best…

  • Bloggin’ On The Go: My 6 Must-Have Apps

    We spend a hell of a lot of time on our phones. We all want to stay connected with each other at all times, constantly checking Instagram and Twitter for the latest news. Sure,…

  • 5 Steps to Create Graphics with Canva

    Hello, friends! Last week I discussed some of my favorite blog design resources that I use almost every time I design a new graphic. So, I thought I’d continue that theme and actually talk…

  • 6 Free Plugins Everyone Should Have

    Today I wanted to talk about plugins! So, if you don’t have, unfortunately, this isn’t helpful for you (unless you’re planning on switching sometime! In that case, keep reading). However, for all my…

  • What do you look for in a blog?

    We all have our favorite blogs that we adore. We subscribe, we follow via Bloglovin’, we bookmark. However you save them, we’ve all got them. On top of the ones we love, we are…

  • Comments: Replying, Liking & Memes

    One of the best things about having a blog, or even just being a reader, is that you get to talk about all the things that interest you! Whether that is books, movies or…

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