I found this tag from The Literary Huntress and thought it looked like a fun way to reflect on some books I have read over the years & hopefully chat about a few of them with you! I haven’t done a tag in a while, so this also seemed like a fairly simple one. Its straightforward: there are “tropes” that describe a prompt & you answer it with a book or opinion. Thats it!
- Mention the creator ( one’s peculiar )
- Answer the questions
- Tag as many people as you like
A book/series you lost interest in halfway through
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
Let me get this disclaimer out of the way before you get upset with me: I am planning on rereading this series. You’re not still mad, are you? Let me explain! I didn’t love A Court of Thorns and Roses, but I liked it enough to read A Court of Mist and Fury, which was better. Then came A Court of….what is it even called? Book 3. And it was an absolute snooze fest for me. I got about 150 pages in before I decided to call it quits.
However, that brings us back to my earlier disclaimer. My FOMO is getting the best of me, so I am planning on trying again, all the way back to book 1 (since its been so long). Fingers crossed I can push through book 3.
» Related: Why I Have Mixed Feelings About ACOMAF (Spoilers)
A hyped book/series you were swept up by
The Vicious Lost Boys Series by Nikki St. Crowe
I don’t know how “hyped” this one is, but it was the only series I have read binged, or even finished, in many years. It did totally sweep me away though! I read the entire series in one or two weekends. Now, this isn’t the next literary award-winning series…it’s smut. Peter Pan smut to be more specific. But it was so good and exactly what I needed when I jumped back into reading/bookstagram.
There is also a spin-off book that just came out, but I don’t want to tell you who that is about because it would spoil things from the first 4 books!
» Related: The Vicious Lost Boys: Series Review (Spoiler Free)
An author who amazes you with his/her writing
Erin Bowman Goodreads & Lina C. Amarego Goodreads
Erin Bowman has written some of my favorite books. They’re fun, fast-paced, and have such interesting worlds. Her books always fall exactly in my favorite genres. Plus, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting her and talking to her, and she’s such a kind woman. I will always shout about her from the rooftops!
Lina C. Amarego is a more new-to-me author. In fact, I’ve only read one of her books, Windflowers. But that one book. OOF. It was the first book to break my heart and actually make me cry in a very, very long time.
» Related: Vengeance Road by Erin Bowman // Wild West meets YA in a perfect union, y’all! & Contagion: Everything I Wanted In A Sci-Fi Thriller
An undervalued character you wish had a bigger storyline
Silas from Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson
I remember reading this book, and while I loved it, I think the whole story would’ve fallen flat without Silas. I wanted more of him, more of his story, more scenes with him.
Now, I wouldn’t say he is totally undervalued because a lot of the plot has to do with his character. I just wanted more of him.
» Related: Sorcery of Thorns: Easily a New Favorite
A magical item/ability you wish authors used less
I don’t have an answer for this one because I feel like most books I have read make their magic systems unique enough that I don’t think anything is overused. It’s impossible to be 100% original, and there are only so many magic systems/items you can truly make work in a book. So as long as it’s not a carbon copy of another book’s system, I’m good.
A phrase you cannot help by roll your eyes at
Again, I can’t think of a specific phrase that makes me roll my eyes (I’m sure there are some out there, but I can’t think of them). However, there is a specific “event” or plot point in fantasy books that I am very sick of. And that is…
Balls or masquerades where something major happens. The ones where we have to read a few pages of the FMC getting ready with the maid, she looks totally different & more beautiful than normal, then something like a big heist, her magical powers are revealed, or people realize they’re in love happens. Look, I’ll still read books with this, and I’ll lap it all up, but that doesn’t mean I don’t roll my eyes at it and let out a very long, audible sigh.
Literally any other event or venue would make it less tiresome to me.
A magical creature you wish you had as a pet
Honestly, I don’t have a strong opinion on this one. I chose one that I thought looked cool, so here we are. Plus, I’d get to fly. So that’s fun!
A book/series you will always root for
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
Maybe I should have chosen a more “hip” book, but this is one of my all-time favorite fantasy books so how could I not choose it?!
I think The Hobbit is a great introduction to Tolkien because, well, it is a children’s book. It has adventure, humor, and all sorts of fantastical elements to it. It’s also a lot lighter of a read than The Lord of the Rings. So, if you haven’t dived into middle earth yet, I’d suggest starting here!
» Related: Girl in Pieces by Kathleen Glasgow // The First Book To Make Me Cry This Year & The Hobbit: Thoughts After A Reread
1 Comment
This is fun! I also really enjoy Erin Bowman’s stuff! Where’s she been anyway? Hope she comes out with some new books soon. Have you read Dustborn? I LOVED that one! My favorite of hers, I think. And I also quit mid-ACOTAR (also book 3, I think!), but I have no regrets and no plans to ever come back. Maas just uses too many words to say the same stuff over and over, IMO. She and I are never ever getting back together.