I used to participate in Top Ten Tuesday when I first started blogging and it was a wonderful way to meet fellow bloggers! I thought with coming back from a hiatus, and a bit…
If you know me, you know I love giving indie books a chance. Yes, they are a hit or miss. Sometimes they are amazing, other times several rounds of editing are needed, but it…
This is my first discussion post in, gosh, over a year. I went back 5 pages of posts (into 2019) and never came across one, so I gave up! Basically what I’m saying is,…
This is a first: I read so much recently that I am falling behind on reviews! Who the heck am I? Usually it’s I’m not reading enough so I don’t have reviews to post.…
I thought I loved A Curse So Dark and Lonely and then this book just had to waltz into my life changing everything! Alright, fine, they’re both really good books but with this sequel,…
WHY did this take me so long to get to!? I remember I purchased this right when I came back to the bookstagram community because it was everywhere. Then it sat on my shelf…
In Sight of the Mountain is supposed to be a tale about one girl’s journey to be the first female to summit Mount Rainier. While it was that, it was a lot of other…
I found this tag from Wordy & Whimsical – you can read their post here. It’s called the The Would You Rather tag. I haven’t done a tag in ages and I felt this…
This review is going to be short and sweet, just like the book! Geekerella has been on my shelf for so long. I don’t know why it took me so long to read it…