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Writing a Kick-Ass About Me Page

An About Me page is one of the most important things you’ll write for your blog. It’s what introduces you to your readers. It’s what introduces your blog to your readers. It should always be up-to-date and clear, but it can be fun as well! There isn’t necessarily a right or wrong way to write an About Me page. Everything in this post is simply advice, but I hope that you find it helpful and inspires you to put some love into that About Me. 

So, let’s rock this!

Writing a Kick Ass About Me PAge

Your blog’s about me

Your blog has its own, individual, about me. It’s your way of saying “Hey! This is what my blog is about!” Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you brainstorm:

deco-chevron-2 What is the main theme of your blog? Is it strictly a book review blog? Do you share tips & tricks to make blogging easier for others? Is it a mashup of a few things in a category? Find the answer then tell your readers what type of posts they can expect.
deco-chevron-2 Who are your readers? What type of person will benefit from your posts? Who is your blog for? Ask your readers “If you like or need X, Y, or Z, then my blog will help!”
deco-chevron-2 What problem will your blog solve for your readers? If it’s a review blog, then it helps people decide what to read next. If it’s a blogging help blog…well, that’s self-explanatory. Essentially, what knowledge will your readers have gained once they’ve left your site.
deco-chevron-2Do you sell any products? If you do, what is it? What problem does it solve?

Who are you

It’s important to include a bit about yourself. You don’t have to tell your readers everything, you don’t have to go too personal if you don’t want to, but tell them something. Connect with your readers, show them you’re a real person!

You want people to not only come to your blog for your content but because they feel like they’re getting to know you. No one likes talking to a robot (well, maybe, I don’t know, technology these days could make it kind of cool actually. But for the sake of my example, let’s pretend robots are like Daleks, ok? ok.)

You should, for the most part, share information as it pertains to your blog BUT it is totally acceptable to include some random fun facts. That’s sometimes the best part of the About Me page (to me).

deco-chevron-2Here are some ideas:

  • Why did you start blogging?
  • Why are you passionate about the subject of your blog?
  • What are some of your hobbies or interests?
  • What is your all-time favorite (anything)?
  • Are you married? Are you a college student?
  • Do you have any credentials on the subject of your blog?

Putting it together

deco-chevron-2 Thesis statement. Mission statement. Catchy title. Start your About Me with something that will catch your reader’s eye and keep them interested in reading.

Here are some examples of the first sentence on About Me pages around the web:

  • “TNC is a go-to hub for creatives who want to improve their lives, their blogs, and their budding businesses.” – The Nectar Collective
  • “I have a kinky love affair with WordPress” – Nose Graze
  • “Coder, Crafter, Crazy Cat Lady | Meet Amanda … Before we talk blogging, let’s talk about you.” – Nellie & Co
  • “I am Cait. But I also respond to “your majesty” and “ruler of all”.” – Cait @ Paper Fury
  • “You’ve entered into a world of nerdom and I’ll help you navigate it!” – Me 😉

As you can see, they vary. You can give a one sentence summary of what your blog is about or a quick description of yourself. The world is your oyster. Run with it.

deco-chevron-2 Take the questions you asked yourself from the above sections and put them into sensible sentences! I don’t need to tell you how to format your About Me page – that is completely up to you. However, what I have noticed around the web, and what I do myself (just tweaked a little), is this type of format:

  1. Catchy title or phrase.
  2. Description of what your site is about.
  3. How this is helpful for the reader or what problem it solves.
  4. About the blogger.

deco-chevron-2 Include helpful links, social media and/or a call-to-action. In my About Me, I include links to my schedule, review policy and contact page since authors (maybe readers) may need that information. You can also include your social media links so people can follow you elsewhere. A call-to-action is simply something you want your subscribers to do – aka subscribe to your blog (in whatever method you want to offer). You don’t want people to forget about you. So including that option is great.

deco-chevron-2 Here is my most important piece of advice: BE YOU. Don’t shy away from expressing yourself and letting your personality shine. It’s weird to talk about yourself and to claim your blog will really help anyone – trust me, I know – but don’t let that deter you from being yourself and confident. Your blog will help someone. I promise.

AND YOU’RE DONE. Now you know what I think makes up an absolutely kick-ass About Me page! Take these tips, use them, or don’t, and write yourself one awesome bio! Rock it. Own it. Love it. Because you’re awesome and that should show in that About Me!


  • Reply Ashley 03/31/2016 at 9:59 am

    Great post! I loved reading this and awesome tips!

    • Reply Molly 03/31/2016 at 4:27 pm

      Thank you!

  • Reply Elizabeth @ Book YAbber 03/31/2016 at 11:12 am

    WOW! These tips are incredible! Thanks so much for sharing! I’ll definitely be using these tips when I spruce up my About Me page!

    • Reply Molly 03/31/2016 at 4:27 pm

      Thank you! I can’t wait to see your spruced up About Me 😀

  • Reply Greg Hill 03/31/2016 at 3:58 pm

    I so need to update my About page *sigh*. These are good tips though, definitely. I will keep these in mind when I re- do mine, and I might take a look at some of those examples too. 🙂 Great post, well done. 🙂

    • Reply Molly 03/31/2016 at 4:31 pm

      Thank you! Yeah, I didn’t really even consider my About Me page until later on when I realized some people DO read it xD I’m glad this was helpful for you!

  • Reply Jess @ Princessica of Books 04/01/2016 at 7:45 pm

    Thank you so much for the tips! I last updated my about me page when I first started blogging so about 9 or so months ago..? It obviously needs to be updated soon, haha! I’ll definitely keep this tab open when I update it!

    • Reply Molly 04/02/2016 at 9:37 am

      Thank you! I’m glad you found this helpful! I didn’t update, or really put any work into it, until about 4 months ago. I’m already thinking about changing it. xD

  • Reply Anna@herding cats&burning soup 04/01/2016 at 11:40 pm

    Oh yes! Such an important page to have and make fun 😀 Mine is a spot out of date but I just can’t update it yet. I had my pets in mine and they’ve all since passed away and I just can’t get myself to change it yet.

    I like a little fun in my about mes so you get to know the person. I’ve read some and they just don’t inspire you to stick around and check things out at all!

    • Reply Molly 04/02/2016 at 9:38 am

      Aw! I’m sorry to hear that. Leave their pictures in there. You don’t need to change that portion of it if you don’t want to!

      And yes, I like a little fun as well. I might update mine to include a few more personal details because that is one thing I love about About Me pages. 🙂

  • Reply Lola 04/06/2016 at 3:00 pm

    I hardly ever read about me pages to be honest, but now I am suddenly curious what my favourite bloggers say on their. I check my about me page once in awhile to make sure it stays up to date. i try to give a feel of my blog and what different types of content to expect and share a bit about myself, although it isn’t really catchy or quirky. You give some great tips here! And now I have the urge to rewrite my about me page again.

    • Reply Molly 04/06/2016 at 6:25 pm

      I didn’t for a while then I realized there’s some fun information! It’s also interesting to see how people started (if they include that). & That’s great this inspired you! 😀 Rock that thing!

  • Reply Geraldine @ Corralling Books 04/09/2016 at 5:08 pm

    Eek, definitely need to revamp my about me page sometime soon! Thanks for sharing Molly – saved this post! 😀

    • Reply Molly 04/10/2016 at 11:36 am

      Thank you! I’m glad it was helpful 🙂

  • Reply Mahriya 10/15/2016 at 11:54 am

    Thank you. I’ll have to think of a catchy sentence! THIS was so much help!!! THANK YOU

    • Reply Molly 10/16/2016 at 4:34 pm

      Aw, I’m so glad! I actually need to revamp my about me now >.<

  • Reply Mahriya 04/07/2017 at 9:21 am

    I saved this ‘for later’ about 6 months ago and finally got round to re-vamping my about page! I literally took your advice word-for-word and soaked up all the advice and used it LOADS to help me write my about page. Your practically wrote the page 🙂 You can check it out here and tell me what you think:

    • Reply Molly 04/08/2017 at 8:22 am

      AW I just checked it out! I’m actually quite envious of yours. How does that work out? hahahah but I love it! <3

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